Phytosanitary substances

Do you want to check the impact of phytosanitary products?
- Assessment of endocrine disruption
- Phytosanitary substances: EU regulation 2018/605 of 19/04/2018 (application on 20/10/2018)
Our adapted analytical offer
• Ready biodegradability OECD 301 A: Dissolved Organic Carbon die-away test
• Ready biodegradability OECD 301 B: Carbon dioxide release test
• Ready biodegradability OECD 301 D: Closed bottle test
• Ready biodegradability OECD 301 F: Oxygen consumption test
• Intrinsic biodegradability OECD 302 B: Zahn-Wellens test
• Intrinsic biodegradability OECD 302 C: Modified MITI test (II)
• Thyroid disruption test: XETA (OECD 248)
Evaluation of all the thyroid mechanisms common to vertebrates - amphibian embryo – XP-T90-716-1 standard.
• Estrogenic disruption test: REACTIV (OECD filing in progress)
Evaluation of all the estrogenic mechanisms common to vertebrates – fish embryo – XP-T90-716-2 standard
• Androgenic disruption test: RADAR (OECD evaluation in progress)
Evaluation of all the androgenic mechanisms common to vertebrates – fish embryo – XP-T90-716-2 standard
• YES/YAS (Yeast Estrogen Screen/Yeast Androgen Screen) test on Saccharomyces Cerevisiae yeast
Confirmation of a specific endocrine mechanism for the estrogen or androgen receptor alpha.