
Integrity issues
There are three main types of coffee integrity issues:
- Addition of substitutes (e.g. Chicory, cereals, coffee husks/parchment, starch, caramel, etc.)
- Mislabelling of the botanical origin (arabica or robusta) or proportions in a blend
- Mislabelling of geographical origin
Potential threat to public health
Coffee adulteration may have harmful health consequences. In case of substitution of decaffeinated coffee by genuine coffee, people suffering from caffeine dependency and who want to avoid caffeine may be misled. This is also the case of pregnant and breastfeeding women who are recommended to limit coffee consumption during pregnancy, because excessive caffeine consumption has been linked to stunted foetus development. Caffeine intakes from all sources up to 200 mg per day consumed throughout the day is considered to raise no safety concern.
To preserve Coffee reputation and consumer health, monitor their integrity through analytical testing
Our expertise
Our laboratory has been deeply involved in Coffee testing since more than 30 years, with a worldwide footprint.
Eurofins companies support the Coffee sector, with the commitment to better serve you and to reply to all your issues with our very wide portfolio of testing.
Statistical review
FAIL assessment on Eurofins company report means that the product is not marketable according to:
- Labelling & specifications
- Eurofins company databases
Disclaimer: Non compliance rates presented here are global and may not reflect accurately the market situation in each country but they can be used as qualitative indications for major risks for on a worldwide basis

Non compliance rates observed for coffee samples analysed (all tests) between 2014 and 2021
Eurofins Network Offer
Testing requests | Methods |
Broad and fast screening of coffee integrity & quality applied to green & roasted and instant coffee |
Arabica vs robusta (detection, proportions) |
Caffein botanical origin (coffee, tea, guarana) & naturality |
Stable Isotopes analyses (IRMS) |
Geographic origin check | |
Caffein content determination |
High Perfomance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) |