Honey, sugar and sugar syrup

While the survival of beehives is at risk and yields are getting lower around the world, global honey production is increasing, with large differences in price!
Honey is one of the « top 10 » products regarding the risk of food fraud, according to the EU Agri-Food Fraud Network 2020 Annual Report.
Integrity issues
There are three main types of honey integrity issues:
- Addition of exogenous sugar (the most common fraud)
- Mislabelling of the botanical or geographical origin
- Other non-compliance with the regulatory definition, as laid down in the EC directive 2001/110 or in the Codex Alimentarius
In the case of high-value sugars and sugar syrups (agave, coconut flower, palm, maple, birch, cane, etc.) the main issue is of course the possible substitution by cheaper sources. Misabelling of geographical origin might also occur.
To preserve Honey and Sugar reputation, monitor their integrity through analytical testing
Our expertise
Our laboratory has been deeply involved in honey and sugar testing since more than 30 years, with a worldwide footprint. Our experts participate in a dedicated working groups (IHC, CEN/AFNOR) to optimize knowledge about analytical methods and define an interpretation frame.
Eurofins companies support the Honey and Sugar sectors, with the commitment to better serve you and to reply to all your issues with our very wide portfolio of testing.
Statistical review
FAIL assessment on Eurofins company report means that the product is not marketable according to:
- European Honey directive 2001/110/EC
- Honey Codex Alimentarius
- Eurofins 1H NMR & HRMS databases
Disclaimer: Non compliance rates presented here are global and may not reflect accurately the market situation in each country but they can be used as qualitative indications for major risks for on a worldwide basis

Non compliance rates observed for honey samples analysed (all tests) between 2014 and 2020
Eurofins Network Offer
Testing requests | Methods |
Broad and fast screening of honey integrity & quality |
Detection of exogenous sugars |
Stable Isotopes testing (SNIF-NMR and IRMS), NMR Profiling, LC-HRMS, Oligosacharides GC-FID* |
Confirming declared botanical/ geographical origin |
NMR Profiling, pollen and organoleptic analysis, Stable Isotopes testing (SNIF-NMR and IRMS) |
* For sugars and sugar syrups only
Beekeepers, you can now order honey analysis online : https://www.eurofins.fr/webshop-food/apiculteurs/