Compatibility tests

Why should we work together?
Standards, materials, machines and chemicals are constantly evolving and can be a new source of incompatibility. At Eurofins Biotech Germande, our teams of experts keep a close eye on these developments to offer you tailored support and advice to your materials and needs.
What services do we offer?
Compatibility tests between medical devices and products or procedures used for the treatment, involve a lot of parameters, making them complex.
The experimental protocols performed for these tests help to identify incompatibility factors between the chemicals and the machines and/or medical devices.
Our team can offer you a range of checks:
Why choose Eurofins ?
Contact us:
Eurofins Biotech-Germande SAS
☎ +33 (0)4 42 33 24 04
505, rue Louis Berton, Bât. 2, 13590 Aix-en-Provence