
Why should we work together?
With a collection of over 90 endoscope models, we have acquired a wealth of knowledge about flexible semi-critical endoscopes. We put this knowledge into practice when checking, cleaning and disinfecting endoscopes after maintenance by the manufacturer.
Our team offers the following services:
Cleaning/disinfection of endoscopes from medical centers, after maintenance by the manufacturer in the event of persistent contamination,
Checking of the microbiological compliance of the endoscope after maintenance or repair,
Expertise on endoscope design in the event of persistent contamination.
Endoscopes can be subjected to various cleaning and/or disinfection procedures:
- Standard cleaning/disinfection: the endoscope is subjected to a manual cleaning/disinfection procedure (double cleaning) in accordance with the circular N°DGOS/PF2/DGS/VSS1/2016/220 of 4 July 2016,
- High-level disinfection: since this type of endoscope is used to access sterile cavities in the patient, no contamination must be found in the samples,
Enhanced maintenance
Chlorine shock: this procedure is used very rarely and only with the agreement of the manufacturer.
Why choose Eurofins ?
Contact us:
Eurofins Biotech-Germande SAS
☎ +33 (0)4 42 33 24 04
505, rue Louis Berton, Bât. 2, 13590 Aix-en-Provence